Good Habits Die Hard – Day 40

02 May 2021 – The 40th day of my blog here on WordPress studying habit formation.

Some habits are forced upon us, e.g. the need to set the alarm for 0645, in order to get up and ready for work. After a while, for some people, these kinds of habits become loved and comforting. They are part of who we are. They are part of our daily structure. There are part of our purpose in life. When these external habits are disrupted for any reason, e.g. illness, change of job, retirement, we can encounter internal friction in our lives. What do I do now? This then, becomes a treat and an opportunity.

Other habits are acquired and they may be ‘bad’ habits i.e. habits that are detrimental to our wellbeing…e.g. biting your nails, clicking your knuckles, overeating, drinking alcohol excessively etc.

Finally, our favourite habits, those good habits that we have lovingly chosen the aim being to better our lives. Some, like unfertile seeds, fall by the wayside, usually by 01 February each year. Others, are actually too difficult and get trodden on, as the reality of our delusional aspirations emerges. And then the fertile habits, the ones that embed and grow and make us happier and that happiness in turn, nourishes the successful habit to grow even more.

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